Friday, August 28, 2009

FOTz so clever...and I Mean...What?!?

so HOW does SLANG get DUBBED?
brigitte segura + sarah freiseis = b+s heart?

Fotz: a sarcastic reference to something ... or someone that “thinks” they are fascinating...
et franchement... FASCINATING is now DUBBed  to FOTZinating at Fashion Daily Mag: 
tres NOUVEAU-appropriate for our upcoming MB fashion week NY spring '10 show commentaries.

Clever as they come...we'd like to help our friend [ABE 'i mean what'-ism] fotz his way into the urban dictionary...
[We loved some of the] FOTz referrences du jour on I mean What?!

Yigal Azrouel's refernce to Puss In Boots on the I.M.W. Not Bessed Dressed List at the CFDA Awards
Yigal Azrouel's reference to Puss In Boots on the I.M.W. Not Bessed Dressed List at the CFDA Awards - I mean..What?

Madonna's outfit at the Costume Institute Gala was FOTZ -on I mean...What?!
Michelle Obama waves to crowds of people waiting to catch a glimpse of the first lady during her trip to London. Photo: Jeremy Selwyn/Evening Standard/ZUMA Press - I mean...What?!
Michelle Obama waves to crowds of people waiting to catch a glimpse of the first lady during her trip to London. Photo: Jeremy Selwyn/Evening Standard/ZUMA Press - I mean...What?!
"...I am doing this is because today’s article in The New York Times Style section is all about slang... Many of you know by now that I have coined  “fotz” as one of my Abe-isms, and there are many applications to this I tried to submit “fotz” to the urban Dictionary and was rejected- I found out that anyone can accept or reject terms."

we [b+s] CAN't  help but giggle at this discovery - Fotz is a colloquialism for Fotze
a 'slap in the face' in Austria...

want more FOTz?