Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SWIM + be SEEN story continuing on with MARA HOFFMAN

FDM takes a peek at MARA HOFFMAN resort 2011
story by brigitte segura
these MARA HOFFMAN prints are NOT wallflowers: SEXY and modern patterns are flirty, not fruity… inspired by colors + NATURE in her travels with MARA’s spirited COOL make for a fresh resort 2011 statement, easy to wear EDGE… by brigitte segurano wonder the likes of CELEBs like JLO, Katy Perry, Halle Berry, Whitney Port, Khloe Kardashian, Tinsley Mortimer, RIHANNA, Selena Gomez, Drew Barrymore, Lauren Conrad and Eva Longoria Parker have been sporting the UNIQUE [engineered] patterned dresses + FDM favorite leggings…

continuing our summer swim stories... part 3 SWIM + be SEEN featuring MARA HOFFMAN
FDM takes a peek at MARA HOFFMAN resort 2011